Whelp, now you’ve sold me on Siri Hustvedt. Previously one of those names that sounded worthy but boring. With the twist that I’d like to think the tragic sordidness isn’t the appeal. But of course it is. And on the bright side, if I never get to this one at least I can now feel morally superior about it.

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ha! But The Blazing World is fantastic and controversy-free too. NB.

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I loved What I Loved and felt lucky only to find out about the autobiographical connection after finishing the novel. I wanted it to be unmoored from the author's life because the connection feels kind of painful, voyeuristic for the reader (even when the voyeurism is inadvertent).

I was not able to get through The Blazing World. That novel defeated me. I would love to read your review of it to find out what I missed (or am incapable of appreciating).

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