Jul 21Liked by Lydia Perovic

This is an excellent, very thoughtful consideration of a very important topic. Please send a copy to Pierre Poilievre, who I hope will appreciate the good advice.

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Thoughtful piece!

I touched on specific federal arts funding numbers (and the elephant-in-the-room-sized problem of marketing) myself a few months back: https://www.theaudit.ca/p/evaluating-federal-arts-funding

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"Don’t “defund” this and “cut” that; rather, offer a plan for a more purposeful art funding."

This whole section betrays a fundamental misunderstanding about the relationship the CPC has with the bulk of this nation's scribbling class. ANY attempt by a Conservative government to "change" or even provide a "plan for change" to the Arts/Culture sector will be portrayed as "brutal cuts", no matter what the actual suggestions are.

...or do you not recall the "muzzled scientists" accusation which dogged Harper? Scientists who wanted to publish findings counter to the government narrative have fared no better under Trudeau, but not one word in the national press....

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