Sitemap - 2023 - Long Play

2023: The Good, the Bad, the Ludicrous

This Napoleon chap is suddenly everywhere

The trumpet will sound

Women and decolonizers

You cancel, I dole out accountability

We'll gather around the wound forever and ever

5/5 stars for Maestro

Yes, the 1970s were different

One trio skippable, the other unmissable

After the wokies scram, the trads descend with Zimmers

Golda vs. Golda

Tkaronto welcomes the lights and crafts season

Joanna Scanlan says Allahu akbar

Death and the MAiD

Sentiment over politics

Fall and sundry

Chez the patron saint of freelance hacks

Rain finally stopping in Islington

These people are not serious

Death of poetry, rise of loneliness, and a very sexy schnozz

Feeding frenzy

All the Irish literature I've ever read

Murder, she (mis)remembered

How we make it work: Charlotte Burrage

The past called. It is not amused.

RIP the Artist, All Hail the Coder

Pandemic and depression

Brash broads, ruminating husbands, and the all-important coffee breaks

Reporting breeches in aisle two

Summer music, walks and theatre

A monarch too good by half

It was the year 2021 of Simulatio Domini...

You, and all of us

Two or three things that are more alike than they seem

Can you know thy neighbour in the age of globish

Deaf, therefore not marriage material

More on the death (and resurrection) of journalism

The Waves

Round up

Wednesday in the galleries: Contact Photography Festival

This is my weekend? (Worried emoji)

Dark arts: Macbeth opens at the COC

Book of the week: Work-Life Balance

There's no human right to false documents

Free professional therapy on the internet

Alice Munro vs. symphonic orchestra

History and dreams meet in a painting

A very modern Bluebeard

What are the critics for

Madcap history of French literature

When the CBC was funny

The historical profession in Canada is lost

Wednesday at the galleries

English + Un beau matin


We now take a break to note

Parlez-vous white

Water, Wine, Brandy, Brine

The two Bobs

Mezzo Emily Fons

Elisa Citterio in conversation

From the vaults: opera director David McVicar

My Salinger Year