Sitemap - 2022 - Long Play

That's a wrap

Women Talking

The year in books: Reader contributions

How late it was, how late

December in Arts

Stray Heideggers

What is Canada's richest literary award for

Between lesbo-optimism and lesbo-pessimism

If a tree falls in the forest of decadent feminism...

Our choices are chisels

November in arts


Review: Carmen

Looking for my lover in paintings at the AGO

Review: The Flying Dutchman

Let's stop pretending we're revolutionaries

September and October in arts

Taking sex seriously

They came dropping pearls and vermin

The Sea, the Sea

While you're sleeping, I'm mucking around south of the Thames

Folk horror for the twenty-first century

August is the Gould month

Have you thought about Jesse Wente’s feelings today? If not, why not?

“I” is easily used these days

Is the era of the globe-trotting Maestro over

Conversation with an Ontario teacher

July in arts

Do progressives ruin cities


Talk therapy at a crossroads

Grateful for the mailbag

Let's stub those toes

Never pander. Perform work that matters. Give it your all.

The difficulty of home

Should social media edit art criticism

Young-dramatic at 60

Who is white

Hot Docs Festival is back

The girl and the game

For Jeanne Lamon

À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs

How war in Ukraine is just like the 1990s wars in the Balkans

How did we get here?

The art of losing

Sexing the Bear

Living in the decadent phase of North American feminism

A culture, if you can keep it

The weird and wonderful Canada of Italian comic books

I, Sky Gilbert, the happy outcast

How will we write about the pandemic